About us

Ecoaldeia Silverto

A fusion of rural co-housing and regenerative agroforestry

Living close to nature with a spirit of modesty and curiosity. Developing a sense of community around to learn and grow together. Helping the land to regenerate by practising more sustainable agriculture and agroforestry, appreciating the unique qualities of the landscape.


We have acquired a forest property of 1.5 hectares, part of which is construction land. In 2019, we started renovating the existing country house, which will function as a communal space (co-working, kitchen, guest room). In addition, we have started managing the woodland, taking care of its diversity to turn it into a food forest in the future. We aim to create a small community that cares for the land and each other. Together, we would like to build comfortable and affordable houses with low environmental impact.


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Caminho de Moreira nº240
Lugar do Silverto
4940-692 Rubiães, Paredes de Coura


  • Moving Cause
  • Decentralised Society Research Project

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